Thursday, 24 February 2011

Cupcakes Vs Competitions

Ok, so the cupcakes won.  And they were good (will be updating my food blog with those though so won't go on about them here!!) But why did I make them first? Am musing on whether I deliberately self sabotage? I have very little time left for this competition and yet instead of stopping everything else and getting stuck in, I am still checking my emails, updating my facebook status and making cupcakes.

I have found it difficult getting some inspiration - was going to work up on one of my 30 minutes stories but finding it hard to get excited about revisiting something from the past.  I have always left things to the last minute but now I really have to finish this today as it will need to be posted tomorrow to stand a chance of getting there for Monday.

The good news is that I think (maybe, possibly, hopefully) that I have an idea now that I can work with.  I am losing one child to a sleepover shortly (the demanding one!) and my husband is out for the night so hopefully I can dedicate the rest of the day and evening to actual writing.  Real life actual story writing. I have all night and am determined not to let this deadline slip by.

Please don't mention the ironing pile or the housework - I am pretending they don't exist till tomorrow.

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