Friday, 1 April 2011

I'd like to thank God, Sony, God, My Agent....

Well, apologies for the immodest blog yesterday but I was in TOTAL shock. My first competition. In fact, I still can't quite believe it. Am glad the results came out yesterday and not today or I'd have thought it was an April Fool.

I have to say, I was quite excited just waiting for the results. I get like that each week that I enter Write Invite too - I can't wait for Wednesdays to see if I've been shortlisted. Does anyone recognise themselves in this scene from the Simpsons?

Lisa: [panting] Grade me...look at me...evaluate and rank me! Oh, I'm
good, good, good, and oh so smart! Grade me!
[Marge scribbles an A on a piece of paper]
[Lisa walks off, muttering crazily and sighing]

So why aren't I entering more competitions? I could have this wonderful feeling of anticipation a lot more frequently. So here goes, another new start is declared! With this lovely confidence boost fresh in my mind, I am going to really get stuck into the writing now. 10 hours a week minimum. I'm going to block it into my diary again like I do with the gym. Pah, the housework can wait. Or maybe I could spend my winnings on a cleaner!!


  1. How much does a cleaner cost? Nah, order more wine, Melanie!
    Well done for your win in the 'hard-copy' comp - is this the one you sent off with about 90 seconds in hand?

  2. Mel, that's great news about the competition, well done! How can I read your piece? Can you send me details about write invite? Rob

  3. Thanks CekaTB - have we met before? More wine is definitely the way to go :-) Yes, this was the one I sent off at the last minute. Although, to be fair, the other comp submission I have out now was also sent at the last possible second. It appears to be my modus operandi!

    Thanks Rob, I still can't believe it! I could email you the story if you like? I'll facebook you the write invite details now - just logged on to enter this week and my charger wouldn't work so I missed it! Unlucky!
