Monday, 31 January 2011


I wanted to start this week well and I started with the best intentions. My first weekly timetable was scheduled to the minute (9.30 spin, 11.00 write, 12.30 lunch at desk, 14.45 urinate, 15.00 collect children.....etc) and was the most successful to date so last night before bed, I sketched out an overview of the week scheduling writing for mon, tues and weds.

Originally mondays were supposed to be an all writing day, but as I had decided at the weekend that I was unable to spend anymore time detoxing/dieting the exercising was going to have to be geared up a notch. I am going to try and do some type of exercise each day in order to feel better, get fitter and still be able to stuff my face at will (I believe I made the decision over chocolate cake & ice cream, a time when I think a lot of the best decisions are made).

So it was that I arrived at school this morning unshowered and wearing a costume under my clothes (something that doesn't get more comfortable with age!) so that I could hit the pool straight after drop off.  I planned to glide effortlessly up and down in the fast lane for 20 minutes before coming back to hit the laptop with renewed vigour determined and able to finally enter a written competition.  What actually happened was that I spluttered along for 12 lengths in the slow lane with the senior contingent of the pool (most of them much faster than me) and then remembered a class coffee morning that I had forgotten about.

I mentally readjusted my schedule, deciding to leave the competition writing till tomorrow, but instead start on the next assignment in my writing course today. I would show my face at the coffee morning but leave at 11, make a light early lunch and still squeeze 3 hours writing in.  Predictably the day didn't quite pan out like that. The coffee went on till nearly 12 (ok, I may have been one of the last to leave). The light lunch took longer than I'd realised and simply cried out to be rounded off with more cake and ice cream.

I did manage to read some more of my Blogging for Dummies book (I have the chocolate cake page stains to prove it) and tried to implement some design changes. I had to pay online for a school trip, add some diary entries to the family calendar and then I remembered the ironing.  It's now 14.40 and I shall be leaving in 20 mins for school.  On the bright side, I have got most of my admin out of the way for this week so shall have no excuses for tomorrow.  I shall be back here, post spin, ready to really throw myself into a story for a competition. Wish me luck!

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