Saturday, 3 September 2011

Not writing.....or am I?

Have not been doing much writing. But I have been doing a LOT of tweeting. And updating facebook. And even making up a few vegan recipes for a newsletter. So that's kind of writing, isn't it? It's all words? Most of them comprehensible too. If you counted all the little 140 character thoughts that I have sent out over the summer that would be a lot of writing. I may count them up later, out of interest. Mine, obviously, not yours. Unless, you know, you have a thing about word counts. In which case, get help.

Summer holidays are over on wednesday next week and I am all set to start a new kick arse routine. I think I have mentioned before that I love a new year, or a new week and a new term is right up there for me. Time for a new timetable, new goals and best of all, a shiny new pencil case. Expect more blogging from me coming right at you from this September.*

*nb this probably means blogs every day for a week, then a couple the next week, before it dwindles off to an appalling 1 a month. You know, if past performance is anything to go by!


  1. I worry about the same issues sometimes, started my blog coming up two weeks ago. Started fine with a post a day etc and tailed off slightly, just put another one up.

    I think that if its not a topical subject im tempted to write entries and keep them for slow release.

  2. Yes, that's a good idea G. I haven't done that yet but might add that idea into my new routine! Thank you :-)

  3. Pace yourself on the blog, Mel. If you've got loads of ideas, write them up and, as G says, schedule them to appear twice a week - that way they'll last longer!

  4. Thanks Sally, that's a good plan. I think I have been a bit haphazard and I could do with a little more planning!
